Cloud Procurement Consulting

Business Challenge

Today there are multitudes of different Cloud offerings and the list grows every day with new services from traditional IT vendors and new players coming on the scene. Without an expert understanding of the Cloud market, the vendors, the offerings and the price-points, it’s virtually impossible to make informed business decisions.

Solution Overview

Serenus has in-depth understanding of the vendors and services available on the market locally and internationally. From this intelligence we can conduct rigorous price benchmarking to determine the best value services to meet clients’ requirements. Additionally we can conduct formal tender or RFP programs designed to deliver the most advantageous commercial outcomes.

Value Proposition

With its industry knowledge, Serenus can provide specialist Cloud procurement advice aimed at selecting vendors and/or services which meet the client’s stated technical requirements and which deliver maximum cost benefits.

Cloud Procurement Consulting �

  • Cloud specialist
  • Industry best practice
  • Market intelligence
  • Price benchmarking
  • Tender evaluation 
  • Competitive rates